An ancient form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture has been practised for over three thousand years. It helps the flow of energy, or Qi (pronounced "chee"), along meridians or pathways in the body to stimulate the body to heal itself. In Western medicine terms acupuncture likely works by stimulating the Central Nervous System to release neurochemicals to dull pain and boost the immune system. It is an extremely safe and effective form of complimentary medical treatment which is gaining in popularity for its lack of side effects. To discuss whether acupuncture can help you, contact Brie today by simply clicking on the button below.
Acupuncture treatments can also be claimed through health insurers, in line with your policy.
Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) is a type of physical therapy that is designed to treat specific muscle and soft tissue issues. The therapy has several potential benefits, including pain relief, improved range of motion, reduced stress, improved posture, faster injury recovery and enhanced athletic performance.
NMT can help to reduce pain caused by muscle strain, spasms or tension, as well as chronic pain associated with conditions such as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. The therapy can also improve flexibility and range of motion, while releasing muscle knots and improving circulation. To discuss whether NMT is for you, click here to contact Brie.
A Sports Injury / Sports Massage is designed to help athletes recover from injuries and improve performance, using a combination of different massage techniques to reduce pain, increase flexibility, and promote healing. Sports Massage can be used therapeutically or as a pre/post event treatment. The aim of pre event massage is to increase blood circulation, flexibility and mentally prepare people for activity and enhance performance. Ideally this would take place either the day of or before your event. Post event massage aids in the recovery of muscles and soft tissues after exercise, it helps to flush out any muscle waste products, relieving tightness and reduce recovery time. Post event massage is ideal the following days after your event. Click below to book your sports massage today.
Personal Training for Brie is about giving her clients confidence in exercise. Offering encouragement and the right tools to tackle their own fitness journey and help reach their own health and wellness goals. With a focus on improving your overall health, not just the number on the scales. Getting out and about and gently pushing exercise boundaries, all training programs are tailored to fit around your schedule, no matter how chaotic it may be. If you would like to arrange a free Personal Training 'Start Up' consultation, get in touch with Brie today.
Happening throughout the year, Brie also offers a variety of group fitness classes,
which run for blocks of 6 weeks.
REBUILD CORE - Consider this to be the staple class of your week! Rebuild Core is a low impact, no equipment, functional exercise class aimed to strengthen your entire core; abdominals, glutes and lower back. Perfect for beginners, with advance options shown throughout, this class with help reduce lower back pain and improve posture.
CARDIO STEP - Gaining in popularity, Cardio Step involves a combination of Step Aerobic moves, Upper & Lower Body exercises and of course some essential Core. This class guarantees to elevate heart rates, increase your cardio fitness, tone muscles and work up a sweat! All exercises are of moderate to high intensity, contributing nicely to your 150 minutes of recommended weekly activity.
Booking is essential for all classes as classes book out quickly, to avoid disappointment and to be kept in the loop on upcoming sessions please click on the link below.